It appears the blogger has ironed out some kinks and my photo uplinks on the other computer are working again. (not that I always remember to take the pics!)
This is Annabelle. A sweet 6 month old dachshund puppy learning some basic manners.

This is Chip. He is also learning some basics. Chip is a rescue from They host dogs that are on the list to be euthanised if they don't find a home quickly. There are so many great dogs out there killed simply because they don't have a home. Chip is certainly one of those great dogs. He is just over a year old. To young to die simply for being there.

Here is my guy Jack. He made himself comfortable on my sister when she stopped in for a quick visit. Perhaps he didn't want her to leave?

And the girls relaxing with some nylabones.

Not shown are the new pet steps I have going up to the couch so that Missy can easily get up without straining her back in the future. Today we are headed back to the vet with Jenny to get her skin checked. She has been very itchy lately. With skin issues I have found that it's better to get it nipped in the bud before it snowballs into something much bigger and nastier.
Yesterday I took Jack to the shelter and borrowed their tub to give him a bath. (I take my own towels and shampoo) Normally he goes to the groomer but funds are tight this time of year for us. (Christmas is coming, vacation funds set aside and of course those lovely unexpected oral surgery bills) So I got to do it myself. All 120 pounds of him. That is why I used their tub. It is raised which prevents a trip to the chiropractor for me. (not that I don't like my chiropractor) The girls got their baths at home the other day, a much easier process considering their size. Everyone now smells as pretty as they look.
My next project is making a couple of wool coats for the girls. They will be boarding during some cold weather and I want to make sure they stay warm. (Tip: Wool retains heat even when wet unlike cotton.)
Dog care really is a never ending job around here.
Check out these other dog blogs I came across and wanted to share: The training of a hearing ear service dog and Raising awareness of autism service dogs. I added their links to my bloglist as well.
Tail wags!