And for some fun in the snow check out this you tube video:
This guy puts my Jack to shame.
I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Holiday.
Just me sharing my world of dogs in work and play. I do not whisper, I translate.
I hope everyone enjoys the holiday season.
I ordered the books "Play with Your Dog" by Pat Miller and "Tales of Two Species" by Patricia McConnell PhD to see if we can get more ideas to use to teach Chloie how to play. With Grizz bringing my dog Jack worked wonders and he figured it out quickly after that. The same method didn't work for Chloie though so we are strategizing.
In other training news I have been offered the possible opportunity to go watch Fred Hassen of Sit Means Sit do some training. He works using electronic collars even for basic obedience. E-collars aren't something I use aside from the occasional client with e-fencing but it is an opportunity to watch a different type of training in person. Education about dog training doesn't stop with only the methods I use after all. If I get to go it should be interesting.
On another front I think I am going to apply for a vet tech job in the area. I saw an ad in the local paper and decided it might be a better fit than the night shift dispatch job I am currently doing. I am worried though because sometimes the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know. I like the people I work with, the money is good and the job security is excellent. However the stress level is quite high. Between the job itself, and the fact I'm not 20 anymore trying to adjust my sleep schedule is just adding to that. I'm thinking I might be happier doing something I love instead of doing something for a paycheck. Even though it most likely means a paycut.
Just because I apply doesn't mean I'll get the job. I need to find out more details about it too like the hours involved. I've got to figure out how to continue the prison program with a regular job as well. That is one way the night schedule has worked out well. Since I do private training I can simply schedule clients on my off days or later in the day on work days. We'll see how it pans out.
Thank you to Nancy of "A Dogs Life" blog for the warning regarding Xylitol in Rescue Remedy Pastilles. Rescue remedy is a Bach flower essence used in both people and animals as a homeopathic remedy for stress and anxiety. It seems the new candy version of the product contains Xylitol, an artificial sweetener that unfortunately is toxic to dogs. For more info check out her blog at Maine Today. (link on my blogroll to the right)
Warning to vegetarians who may be reading: Graphic meat photos to follow.
Tonight for supper the dogs all got some deer ribs. This was my first experience giving them bones to be crunched up and eaten and I admit some nervousness. I am learning as I go in this raw food journey.
I had nothing to worry about however. Jenny had no problem figuring out how to enjoy the new treat. Of course she will eat most anything. (Sorry for the crummy pics, my camera was on it's last leg battery wise. I'm lucky I got these.)