Monday, April 28, 2008
It's all about the chewie
Sunday, April 27, 2008
New to the blog roll
It chronicles all the hard work it takes to get an AKC Obedience Trail Championship title. The best part, for me, is that she is attempting it with a doberman from rescue, Rah.
Isn't he simply stunning? He came from this fabulous group:
Now go, sit, read!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Why I love it

While this post explains abit how I train for tracking I am NOT an expert tracker by any means. All dogs are different and therefore methods may vary considerably. There are many ways to train tracking and scent work, this is only one method. You do not need to use food to train for tracking. For some great tracking books for beginners through advanced check out (They also have awesome gear.)
Today was Jenny's third time out. So far I have been doing easy stuff, using food rewards in some of the footsteps on short straight unaged tracks with the wind blowing towards us. I do three in a row with a rest in between for her while I lay the next one. First thing in the morning with dew on the grass which is best for keeping the scent in. As I went to lay the first track this morning I noticed I didn't have my usual starting flags. Oops, I had left them in the field after our last track yesterday morning. So after we were done today I drove over to that field and retrieved them. Fortunately it wasn't far. We ended the day with me only using food in every 9th step. Eventually I will phase the food out completely but for now this helps her learn she has a reason to find and stay on the scent path. I think my biggest challenge with her is going to be keeping her from going to fast. She is motivated!
She is doing amazingly well. I need to call my tracking friends (who know FAR more than I on the subject) to come watch us and correct any mistakes I may be making. I know yesterday I screwed up the first track by wearing my bait bag. She kept looking at me for direction before I realized why. (bait bag usually means heeling practice to her hence the looking up at me) Fortunatly I corrected it on the next two tracks which went very well. I do need to get some new bigger flags because she is skittish of real moving flags. I currently use sticks with surveyors tape as markers but if we ever go advanced she will need to be ok near real flags blowing in wind. (note to self, buy or make real flag markers!)
While driving home after training today I got to thinking why I love tracking so much. For me it is private one on one time with my dog in a relaxed manner. Having 3 dogs this one on one time is special. They also get to do something that comes naturally to them, finding scent, and they are allowed to follow their nose instead of having to do something less exciting to them. It is in the woods or a field with nature all around, a place I love to be. And when you get to the point where you might try for a title, EVERYONE roots for you and your dog. It isn't competitive. We all want to see the dogs succeed. No one beats anyone else. I REALLY like that. Honestly I could care less if I ever title. Not to say I wouldn't LOVE to earn one, it just isn't my overall goal. The act of doing something fun with my dog is why I do it.
It has been fun this week seeing and working with a dog that really wants to track. Jack is lovely but not the most motivated about it. Could I work on that with him? Probably, but I am not about to make a dog do something he doesn't really enjoy. Tracking is about working as a team. A good team listens to each other. I'll keep tracking him, but on his terms. One track at a time.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
A beautiful day for tracking
Friday, April 18, 2008
We have a visitor
And Zeus with a stuffie. He is a Katrina rescue and was adopted out twice and returned before my sister took him. One adopter was even a vet tech that couldn't take his puking anymore. (he has regurge issues, skin issues, breathing issues and some aggression issues) He is also afraid on windy days, probably due to being in Katrina. (he was found with another bulldog that had been killed by a fallen tree in his yard) So you could say he is somewhat high maintence and has been expensive along the way. Thankfully she is patient with him and has managed to give him a darn good life in spite of his many quirks. (others would have sent him to the bridge long ago) As you can see he is quite small for a bulldog of that type too. Perhaps a back yard bred dog. Who knows. If only they could talk and tell us their stories.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Missy has a brag

When I told Missy the news she insisted I brag about them here for her. For many more photos of the cuties check out their page here: We are all very proud of the great job Miss Lacey is doing.

Wow 6 puppies. The thought of it makes ME want to take a nap!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
This weeks reading

The handler will learn that the dog will be loyal and can be depended upon. It can be expected that the man and his dog will create a team that will be unbreakable. The handler in this course will develop a feeling of pride, companionship and ownership in his own dog by the natural response of one to the other.
To further accomplish this, the handler will furnish all care and maintenence of his charge. He will feed and water his dog on a scheduled basis. He will clean and groom his dog every day as directed by his instructors. He will maintain his animal's quarters in a manner specified by the Veterinarian.
Training will consist of the following exercises to teach the dog to heel, sit, down, stay and come (on recall), crawl, and jump both high and broad. These exercises will be taught using both voice commands and arm and hand signals.
The method used shall be one of reward for accomplishment. This shall be a combination of voice praise, physical petting and fondling. Under no circumstances will physical punishment or abuse be tolerated. Reprimands shall be restricted to oral disapproval. Any violations will be severely delt with.
Training, according to the memo, would be completed by July 15, 1943.
**I am finding this book to be VERY interesting. I was particularly struck by the training methods they used back then. Positive training has been around longer than many people realize. The book tells how they trained for different things in various manners as well as being a behind the scenes look at the War Dog program for WWII. Happily after this war the dogs (the ones who survived) were retrained and allowed to go back to civilian life, thanks in large part to the books author. Not a fate seen by other War Dogs our country has used in the past. (most notably after Vietnam) Complete with 16 pages of photos this book has alot of interesting information. Fans of German Shepherd Dogs and Dobermans might also like it as they were the two most popular breeds used by the Marines at that time. Other breeds and mixed breeds were used as well and were donated by their civilian owners. (I can only say that sentiments were vastly different back then regarding that practice.) Overall so far the book is excellent. Well written and an obvious honoring of the use of Mans Best Friend during their military service. I know I haven't hit the sad parts yet, as is inevitiable when reading of war. Obviously not all the dogs survived. (or their handlers) It is a facinating look at working dogs however and I am glad someone decided to tell their story.
(Semper Fidelis is the motto of the Marine Corps. Translated it means Always Faithful.)
I'm sick so here are some photos.
This cutie is Dal. He is about 7 years old and he is completely deaf as far we can tell. He is at my local shelter and I have started working with him teaching hand signs. Thankfully he is food motivated. (FMI on deaf dogs as pets check out )
It was so beautiful out the other day I took a few pics of my own dogs playing for a change. Jack doing his best to entice Jenny in a game.
If that doesn't work he tries chasing her with his toy. Play with meeee.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Heads up, photos and seminar info
It seems Oprah will be tackling the subject on the evils of puppymills on her Friday show. I will be sure to watch. It is good that she is doing the show, she has a large following and will reach MANY people. However I have a few reservations from the woman who bought her 3 sibling white goldens from a backyard possibly high volume breeder. I hope someone on her staff did some research and that she doesn't paint all breeders as the bad guys now. It should be interesting to watch.
Geez lady are you still here? (She is elegant and she knows it!)
The seminar with Dr. Nicholas Dodman was fabulous and I learned some excellent information. I did introduce myself to him since we write on the same blog. ( Then I got to go have dinner with another trainer I had only previously known through the internet, Nancy of A Dogs Life Blog. (Because listening to 6 plus hours of dog behavior stuff just wasn't quite enough for one day.) It is always fun to meet people face to face. My next planned trek is going to be back to Happy Tails in June for a pitbull informational day with Drayton Michaels of He also writes for Dog Star Daily. He is working on a documentary about pitbulls called "Judging the Innocent" that I am very excited about. We need information out there to educate people about the breed as much as possible. For more information about the info day and seminars that Happy Tails will be having go to their website at: