Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Amazing video
This is an amazing video of a lion that was bought from a store to be a pet. Thankfully the new owners realized he should be in his own habitat and did what was best for him. This is their story.
Wild animals should NEVER be family pets in my opinion. Taking them from their natual environment is cruel. (not to mention what some people do to get those young animals from their natural wild mothers so they can sell them)
I know it isn't specificly dog related but the video is an excellent example of animals remembering the people they love. (or their memory in general)
I admit it made me cry like a baby.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
The Blog Roll

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Debunking the Dominance Myth in Training

1. to speak or say (something) very softly, using the breath instead of the vocal cords
2. to make a low soft rustling sound: the leaves whispered
1. a low soft voice: her voice sank to a whisper
2. Informal a rumour: I just picked up a whisper on this killing
3. a low soft rustling sound: a whisper of breeze in the shrubbery [Old English hwisprian]
Thursday, July 10, 2008
A trainers Thursday 13

Sunday, July 6, 2008
Dog greetings and Trail Manners

The above photo was found on this adorable blog: (by accident I swear I wasn't looking for a pug photo to use) http://www.hugpug.com/
And for more info on proper dog greetings, in case you missed my previous post on the subject, this tidbit:
When one dog meets another for the first time, canine protocol demands that he offer his butt to be sniffed, and that he sniff the other's butt in turn. Dogs who are well-known to each other generally don't do it, but all dogs, when they meet another one for the first time, will do so. Canine courtesy demands that the action be reciprocated. *This formality essentially introduces each dog to the other as a specific scent signature, which is then cataloged in memory much as we visually-oriented animals do with faces.
From the technical veterinary site here: http://education.vetmed.vt.edu/Curriculum/VM8054/Labs/Lab19/Lab19.htm
(note the photo THEY used! Scroll down near the bottom of the page. Again, a funny coincidence.)
*Hence the tangled leash issue when doing proper dog to dog greetings. *
Anyone else see the tense body language of the dogs in the photo? How about the avoiding direct eye contact? Photos are a great way to see an exact moment in time.
Check out DogStarDaily and the other blogs too. Boy there are some seriously talented writers and super passionate (and funny!) dog people out there. I am but a drop in the ocean of dog blog land.
Friday, July 4, 2008
A saga involving poop, collars and cuteness

I hope everyone has (or had) a safe 4th of July. And for the dogs who run away may be they all be tagged and easily reunited with their owners. I am also a huge fan of microchipping in case they lose their collar or if you have a dog that might look like another dog. If you ever have to prove in court that a black lab (or insert breed here) in question is yours, photos just aren't going to do it. Tags are nice too because they can help facilitate an instant reunion not needing a trip to the vet to find a rabies tag number (usually on a day they are closed) or causing the dog to spend the night unnessasarily in the local pound. (hopefully to be found) I even have an extra tag for visiting dogs with my address and phone number. (which new family dogs can also wear until they get their permanent one) One of the biggest reasons we hear for dogs not having their collar on when they got loose is that they just had a bath. What better reason to have an extra collar and tag for bath day. (while their regular collar they wore in the bath dries) You can put a collar on a wet dog. Worries about coloring on the coat seem insignificant when your dog is missing and naked. (tip-buy the extra collar in white)
*Check out the cute pug blog I ran across the other night. Go Pug Yourself. As soon as I get permission I will add her to the blogroll.
*I know I haven't had any originals photos lately. I need to get new batteries for the camera. Bear with me.
*A note to the blogger Underdogged, I can't seem to leave a comment on your blog. Can you e-mail me?
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
A summertime warning & home needed

This beautiful trio is a photo an akita person sent of her crew. I just thought it was to adorable not to share.