Thursday, July 30, 2009
How to traumatize your dog 101

Monday, July 27, 2009
A brag and some breed chatter

Or I could stay with the familiar and go with a smooth chow. I happen to know the most excellent breeder of them after all. (Red Cloud) I should take advantage while I have the chance. This handsome boy is my current favorite at her kennel. And they are smaller than an akita too. Of course a nice pit bull or am staff would also fit the bill for smaller yet imposing security. There are certainly enough pit bulls looking for homes available.
But part of me wonders how I could ever walk away from this cuteness:
They do make my heart go pitter pat. And who better to own another akita than me? I have all the "stuff" after all. (literally) But another part of me wonders if another akita could ever measure up to my boy Jack. I swear he is absolutely perfect. He will be a hard act to follow for sure.
Of course this is all thinking out loud on my part. I hope to not have to make this decision for many years to come. 3 dogs is plenty for me and I'm not looking to replace anyone of them.
What breeds intrigue you??
Friday, July 24, 2009
Outed at work

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Time Warp Tuesday
Today I had to drive to Bangor to pick my daughter up from cheer camp. Right next to Bangor is Brewer, which is where I did my training apprenticeship. It was fun driving the old route and seeing all the changes that have happened since then. It also brought back alot of great memories of my time there. Back then my kids were about 4 and 5 years old. Thankfully my husband supported me and did his share of the parental stuff on top of his own job so I could drive there and back the required 3 times a week. (for a full year - I could probably drive it in my sleep if needed) It is about a 2 hour drive one way (without snow) so it was a very long year. I even listened to my old favorite morning radio show on the way. Back then this was the majority of my adult conversation as a mom of two young children. One can only take listening to so much Barney after all. (my kids even had all the stuffed toys from the show)
For the record I graduated with a 98.8 average. Not to shabby if I do say so myself. Certainly better than my grades in high school! In my defense high school was much less interesting to me than training. I even still have all my books and notes from my apprenticeship. (Because heaven forbid I ever give up a book!)
While there I scored a fantastic deal on these scent articles and dumbells. (23$ for all!!!) I thought some scent games for Jenny might be fun. The dumbells will also help with some retrieving training. (the small one is for her) The articles need a little spiffing up but for that price I just couldn't pass them up. I'll need to get a carry bag for them next.
Oh and here is a photo of my daughter with her cheer group. They did really well and I am a very proud mom.
*Sidenote: Hug your kids today because you never know what tomorrow may bring. Sadly friends of ours lost their 14 year old son this week to diabetes. It was unexpected and a tragic loss of their only child. Never think this stuff can't happen to you, because it always happens to someone. We never know when it may be our turn.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
I miss you Mimi La Rue!

Well I have to admit I fell in love with her pug Mimi La Rue. I'm not sure when my obsession with old pugs started but I am now completely under their spell. There is just something about them I find totally adorable. Patricia McConnell said in her book "The other end of the leash" that humans are attracted to round faces and that it has to do with a maternal instinct. I dunno. If that were true wouldn't I have found pugs cute long before we ended up with one in our family? Or is it that my age has kicked in the grandmother urge in me? (OK I'm only in my 40's but technically that qualifies me.)
Whatever it is I am a sap for them. Check out the fabulous pics of the two old gals here at Owned By Pugs named Sol and Luna. (their boys are pretty adorable to) Now I know being owned by a famous person might not be an ideal life for some dogs (do they really want to be on the red carpet?) but it does seem like she was very well loved by Tori. They even had a memorial service for her after she passed. And I admit watching the episode about her passing with the photo Dean got Tori of her made me cry. (don't tell anyone ok?)
Tori admitted that she bought her from a pet store before she knew what that really meant and Mimi had a bunch of health issues because of it. Tori did learn from her mistake though and is now a very vocal voice for the rescue group Much Love. Her two current dogs are both rescues from there.
I have to say the show isn't nearly as interesting to me without seeing sweet Mimi on it. But really, with that face, can you blame me? I suppose beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But in my perfect world all old dogs (of any breed) would have a wonderful retirement home. It is sad to think of so many old dogs that end up in shelters. I think they have earned better than that. Consider sponsoring an old dog in a shelter or rescue today. Do it in memory of a great dog you once knew. They can use our help.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Tuesday Tracking
I had run her on another track first so she was less excited at the end of this one. I think I need to play more glove games with her so the end is more clear to her. It isn't great quality but you get the picture. It was great weather for it though with just a little drizzle at the end. Cool and damp is great for holding scent. (the vest I am wearing looks dorky but has great roomy pockets for scent articles as I pick them up) For some really great tracking videos check out http://spiritdancedogs.blogspot.com/ Jenny and I are really just beginners at it.
Then I headed to town to hang out with Minos at the store. He's getting bigger every day.
While there we ran into this cutie, a portugese water dog puppy named Spot. They had a few moments together. (which is one reason we go to the store on tuesdays, socialization)
Then auntie Marie bought him a flossie. For anyone with bulldogs this spiral shape is awesome for their big mouths. It slows them down enough to make it a chewie and not a quick snack. (it also worked great for my Jenny who tends to try inhaling things) They key is supervision so if they get a length all mushy you can simply cut it off before they suck it down their throat and choke.
While there I also picked up more training treats (Zukes!) and a new treat bag made by Olly Dog. I chose the one on the left. (I love pink!) My current bag has a snap shut feature but it squeaks which I don't like. For my own dogs I typically try to use my pockets, but when I am with a client it is much easier most times to snap one of these on. After I left there I went and bought a new raincoat. After a couple of days of the sun (finally!) we are back in another rainy period. If this keeps up I going to begin construction on an ark.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Reading and watching updates
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
The official akita movie trailer has arrived