Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Lessons in thinking ahead

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
A post in which Jack goes to work
Saturday, March 19, 2011
A plan B day
After my taxi duties I headed over to Bolduc for my session with the K-9 Corrections puppies. Things are progressing well tho the pups are still a little shy in new situations. Of course given their rough start (they were born under a trailer with no heat or human contact) this comes as no surprise.
I had also hoped to get the dogs out for a walk today. That also didn't pan out. To assuage my guilt I did get in a grooming session with Jack and a training session with Jenny. Here are some new treats I found at the Loyal Biscuit that are super cool for our training sessions.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Why are people still listening to this man for training advise? Well I can tell you why, they have a problem dog, see his stuff working quickly and so they decide it must be a valid training method. The problem is that his methods are short lived and rely on the owner being able to suppress the behavior. It doesn't change the emotion of the event for the dog. In some cases it makes the emotion worse because punishment is used so often. (and many times unfairly!)
Suppression only works if you can then manage the dog 100% of the time. But because he has a flashy TV show, and they don't know where else to look for help, he gets people to follow him. They don't know any better remember. Then when video of him comes out showing him being abusive to dogs they run to his defense. "Oh you need to be dominate with those kinds of dogs." "Oh it was just a tap, he wasn't using much force." Yeah ok, that's why the dog tried to bite him afterwards. One of the worst clips was when he kicked a dog to GET A REACTION so he could see what the dog would do. We call that setting a dog up to fail in my book. P.S. a dog is a dog first and a breed second. No breed needs more heavy handling than another.
Say whatever you want about "cookie pushing" positive method training. At the very worst if someone does it incorrectly the dog doesn't get trained. But neither is anyone causing pain to a dog in the process. Haven't we evolved beyond the need to cause dogs pain in training? Apparently not.
If the following photo doesn't horrify you please don't become a dog trainer. Or a dog owner for that matter.

CM also touts his methods as natural. Because he has watched dogs and how they interact remember. This is where he learned the "calm submissive state" nonsense. Hmmm funny that I've never seen dogs "tap" each other. Or choke each other. Or push each other out of a truck. (The akita episode.) Which part of that was calm submissive behavior BTW? One would think a dog psychologist would know more about actual dog behavior. But hey I've only been doing this for 10 years. What could I know?
Of course when you are famous and making money hand over fist (TV show, DVD sales, public appearances, books, magazines, etc.) you probably aren't motivated to learn a better way. He is already getting all the reinforcement he needs! To bad it's the dogs paying for it with their pain.
"Dog training should not be a battle of wills, but an ever-evolving dance of communication and cooperation." ~ Nicole Wilde ~
Monday, March 14, 2011
Playing detective and grasping at straws
Slightly better than her last photos but not by much. She was also super itchy that day and left some bloody spots on her chest.
I decided to look up some things using the blog to backtrack. Jenny came to us in September of 2007. Her skin looked great when we got her and there was no itching at all. She had her first breakout 2 months later. It was mild in comparison but she went on antibiotics and Temeril-P. She was also itching in January of 2008. (I blogged about looking for a food that could help.) I wont bore you will all the details of everything I found, but looking back I saw that she had a good itch free few months in spring of 2009. So I asked the store I buy her food from what she was on at the time. It turns out she was eating HealthWise Lamb and Oatmeal formula for one meal and Primal Pheasant for the other. So tonight I picked up a bag of the HW to switch her over to. I hate feeling helpless so this is at least something to try. I find it interesting that she was doing well on a food with grains in it. But like I read on a friends website, all dogs are individuals and you need to find what works for your dog. Even if it flys in the face of popular opinion. (Or in this case my own beliefs!)
I've also taken her off everything except the cipro and added Temeril-P again. (and some pro-biotics) I HAVE to get her comfortable. She is itching herself raw regardless of the antihistamines and other stuff I have tried. If anything she looks worse. Can you imagine having your whole body feel like a mosquito bite? It doesn't sound fun. (Nor is it fun to watch either.) I have also e-mailed her foster home and asked a few questions about her past and the food she was previously on. Yeah it's a long shot but again it is doing something. It is aggravating to know she has had times that she is completely itch free and it has progressed to now being so awful.
I am also considering acupuncture and Reiki at this point. There is a vet nearby that does some acupuncture and I know a person who does the Reiki. I also came across some suggestions in the comments section of a post I haven't tried yet either. (CoQ10 and Grapeseed extract - Thanks Amy.) So I'll see how the recent adjustments go once I taper her Temeril-P down. Wish us luck.
Jack had his follow up appointment today. He did great and didn't need to be sedated to be poked. Thankfully the abscess is draining well on its own. Yay for at least that bit of luck!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Shades of my paranoia
For anyone who does have a dog with cancer, I found this website that looks helpful: http://www.themagicbulletfund.org/
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
A K-9 Corrections Update