One of the cool things about living on the coast of Maine is that there are many islands near us we can visit. Some of them are even populated year round. I have a few island clients and regularly go out to see new people and their dogs. The ferry ride is just over an hour long. I love the great views it gives me. I have seen many sea birds, seals and once even a porpoise! If it is cold I stay inside the seating area. I rarely bother to take my car as it costs more and entails waiting in line with no guarantee of it getting aboard, or back aboard for the return trip. I do not go on the ferry if it is windy. I admit I don't have great sea legs so I get seasick easily. To share my trip this time I took just a few pics specificly for the blog. I felt like a tourist. :-) This is my trip to Vinalhaven.

The view from where I was sitting. They do also have some longer seats you can share if you are traveling in a group or as a couple. I always bring some books to read as a back up plan to avoid boredom. (which never happens) I have on occasion taken a nap during the return trip. The fresh sea air wears me out! (and napping can help avoid sea sickness if needed)

One of the lighthouses we pass on the way. This is the Owls Head light. There is another one on the other side but I missed getting the pic. (The Rockland Lighthouse and breakwater.)

UPS really DOES go everywhere! The front of the ferry.

This is Zuzu and her owner Web. She is a 12 week old chihauha. Isn't she adorable? Dogs are frequently on board and ARE allowed in one of the seating areas. (They must be well behaved or have to ride in the owners car if available.) There are two seating areas, one on each side of the boat. There is also an upstairs outside seating area for those nice warm days.

And this is the cutie I went out to see and work with. Her name is Molly and she is a 4 month old wheaton terrier. What a face!

And leaving the ferry dock headed home.
My photo doesn't do this view justice. The lobster boats were all over the harbor. I wish I had a better camera with a nice zoom. This isn't the best photo tutorial ever but it gives you some idea of the trip.
Here is a very short video clip of my sisters dog Zeus. He is a bulldog and was adopted from the shelter. He has all of the typical bulldog issues, bad skin, breathing problems, allergies and his weight tends to fluctuate. He is also one of the absolute sweetest dogs I know. He was with us at my moms during the kids egg hunt when I got this clip. It's not the best quality but I wanted to share.
Also - PLEASE keep checking out the pet food recall info at and There is ALOT still happening folks. More foods and even treats have been added to the bad list. Click on the link to A Dogs Life blog in my sidebar as well. She also has alot of great info listed.
So as usual, Kurt doesn't tell me you called yesterday until NOW. I'm real sorry I've been hard for you to track down. :( I hope it wasn't because you wanted to grab some time with me and Apollo on this VH visit, as I would've loved to work with you and not feel bad that I'm the only reason you rode the boat out to the island. Apollo has come a long way and I really want you to see and evaluate him. :)
I saw the ferry ride with fresh eyes through your pics and commentary, lol! For me, it's a miserable but necessary part of everyday life, but that's because I've lived out here my entire life and ridden it way too much. I always sit in the dog cabin because the time goes much quicker if I can find a friendly dog to make of, even though I embarrass Kurt because I migrate to dogs like a fat kid to a cupcake.
Anyway, I am going to write down a reminder, and give you a call tomorrow. We are supposed to be getting one heck of a storm soon so I'll probably be stuck indoors anyway.
P.S. Molly is ADORABLE. I wish I could say I knew her owners because I'd love to meet her, but I've never seen her out and about.
Oh, and you have me addicted to the Dolittler blog. What a great site!
I am headed over again on Tuesday weather permitting. I have to see two dogs but should have time to see you and Apollo too if you can. Call me! LOL
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