I caught Jenny using a toy as a woobie last night. (Ironicly it was a Garfield.) It is the first time I have seen her use a stuffed toy this way. She certainly looked content suckling away.
In the interest of education to all things dog, I have added a few new websites to my link list. One of my favorites is: http://www.nationalcanineresearchcouncil.com
Great facts about dog bites for those that think it is all about the breed. I know I tend to lean towards nice fluffy posts, but I do want people to be able to find info that they need, or are interested in, should they look around my blog. There are some great sites and blogs out there, I feel no need to reinvent the wheel where they are concerned.
Happy browsing!
Man, if I didn't already have one very bossy and hyper female husky at home, I would've already snapped Zebra up. She is stunning! And that pic of Jenny is too cute. :)
You mean you don't want two bossy hyper bitches in the house? I can't understand why. Think of the fun! LOL I agree that she is stunning.
Thanks for the compliment. Jenny is cute. Which is a good thing for her. She pushes her luck at times. Don't they all though.
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