Friday, August 1, 2008

Up to no good

That's what my mom used to say if us kids were quiet for to long. "They must be up to no good." Yes I admit I have been a very bad blogger. Not posting regularly is one of my pet peeves for other favorite blogs and here I am guilty of it myself. Well I do have a pretty good excuse, I am tuckered! Plus I have been undercover on a secret mission. You can check out the details here: (Reposted from the Village Soup website)

Boat Yard Dog Entrant Unmasked as Youthlinks Double Agent
By Broadreach Family & Community Services Amie Hutchison & Caitlin Schick

ROCKLAND (Aug 1, 08): In a breach in Youthlinks’ super-sensitive security system, the identity of secret canine operative Agent K-9 has leaked. The agent’s real name is Truman, and he is an adoptable two year old hound mix from the Humane Society of Knox County. His mission, which he chose to accept, is to be briefed by Youthlinks summer camp secret agents (under the direction of Marie Finnegan, a trainer with K-9 Solutions) to take part in the Maine Boats, Homes, and Harbors’ Boatyard Dog Trials. To compete as Agent K-9 in the trials, Truman is being trained in cutting edge spy tactics: stealthy physical maneuvers, courage, patience, charming the ladies, and finesse in all things.

The recruiting of K-9 Solutions’ Marie Finnegan for the Boatyard Dog Trials mission was a strategic move by Youthlinks worthy of James Bond himself. Finnegan has volunteered her expertise as the Humane Society of Knox County’s resident trainer for years, helping dogs with their behavior and manners so they can become better candidates for adoption. Her skill under pressure makes her a natural mentor for Agent K-9, who will need to negotiate dangerous obstacle courses, treacherous dingy-hopping, and a secret freestyle event with panache.

Youthlinks campers have been working with Finnegan every day for two weeks on a crash course spy school, readying Truman for his debut. Because every good secret agent needs the right equipment, Rockland’s Loyal Biscuit Co. generously stepped up to outfit Truman.

For reinforcement, campers are also training a double agent, a one year old Walker hound mix named Brady, who will act as a stand-in if Truman is thwarted by enemy sabotage. This cunning move has ensured that an Agent K-9 will be ready for competition, campers will have gained training experience, and two adoptable dogs are ready for welcoming families.

On the day of the mission, campers will lead the canine super-spy through the gauntlet of events at the Boatyard Dogs Show with the hope that a lot of training, frequent socialization with children and other dogs, and a little press will grant Agent K-9 the ultimate finale to his extreme mission; a loving home.

To watch Truman and his team of spy trainers in action, attend the Maine Boats, Homes, and Harbors’ Boatyard Dog Trials on August 10th, 2008 on the Public Landing in Rockland. The event will commence at 10:30 am.

Youthlinks is a program of Broadreach Family & Community Services located in Rockland that provides community service, leadership and enrichment opportunities to all youth ages 11-17 from anywhere in mid-coast Maine. These programs help youth learn skills, build self-esteem, cultivate social responsibility, develop leadership abilities and connect to their peers, to adult mentors, and to their communities. Youthlinks is funded primarily by the generous donations of individuals, businesses, and foundations. All programs are free for participating youth. Call 594-2221 or visit for more information.

Emma Spencer of Rockland works with Truman, aka Agent K-9 (Photo by Caitlin Schick)


Unfortunatly being in secret ops means a lack of free time usually spent doing other things like keeping up with e-mail and blogs. I just can't do it all! (Not if I want to sleep that is. Trust me, you don't want to see me with out any sleep.)

* And here are some cute pics of Jenny in her new winter outfit courtesy of Lauren and The Loyal Biscuit. (To keep her warm of course, I lack fashion sense of my own let alone for my dogs.)

To bad we don't have touch-o-vision. It is so soft!
"Hey who turned out the lights?" (Yes file this under stupid things people do to their pets. I couldn't help myself. And yes I think it is cute. No animals were harmed in the taking of this photo.)

Now my ears can stay toasty too.

You can almost see her thinking "Are we done yet? I have things to do." She is such a diva. Thanks Lauren!!

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