Friday, May 15, 2009

Frenchie as Frankendog

Just a heads up that some of the following photos may be to graphic for some people. (to me only the last one is cringeworthy due to placement) I took a few photos of Missy and her stitches tonight while she was snoozing on Jack's bed. She is feeling very good and is back to normal even running into the yard for potty time again. No more having to wipe her butt every time she has a bowel movement. No more oozing either, a nice perk. The stitches are all holding up well. There is a little bruising in one area as you will see in the photos.

Here is the patch on her left side that was our second biopsy spot. (I don't know why her eyes always look cloudy in pics with a flash. Anyone?)

Here is part of the one on her back. She's lying on the rest of it. This was just a fatty lipoma.

Her left side again and her front left paw just above the foot pad and to the side of the higher pad. (ok so what is that called?) This was just a skin tag. I don't know how many times people thought it was a tick, myself included.

This was the worst spot. It was the place we found the confirmed mast cell tumor and a new growth that looked similar starting above that one. So we took them both off and sent it off for a biopsy. It looks very askew in the photo but when she stands it is straight. You can see where placement made wiping a necessity for a few days.

She has been very good about the spots so far. Of course she can't really reach any of them due to her lack of flexibility (a frenchie thing) unless she does her patented dance on her backside in the grass or scoot the butt move. We are keeping a close watch on her and simply stop her when she starts either. In a few more days I can relax more about it because they won't be in danger of popping open with pressure. I'll have to be careful when Minos comes on Tuesday that she doesn't play to hard.

She is getting much attention and lots of treats. It's hard not to feel bad for her when all you can see is stitches everywhere.

My list of blog topics is getting longer as I keep putting off writing about anything serious until I feel better and have more time. I feel like I am behind and can't catch up. Does anyone else have that problem?

1 comment:

  1. I'm feeling the same way about the blogging right now, but I've got so much stressful stuff going on right now (plus I'm sick) that I just can't make the writing thing happen. I get aggravated with myself for it, but then I remind myself that the blog is something I do for *fun* and I should at least *try* to not stress out over it!

    Her incisions look good! The last one is a bummer. Ouch!
