Monday, June 29, 2009

I'm having a problem with my Monday

I am almost afraid to try to post this. Nothing has gone well for me today and I am blaming it on some sort of Monday mania.
Nothing went smoothly at work for me. I made mistakes with scheduling, couldn't remember any word more than 2 syllables and overall felt like I was in slow motion all day. I could feel that I was off and did make an effort to stay away from all sharp objects and the stairs. Somehow I muddled through to the end of the day.
Then I came home and had to vacuum up little beads from the lap desk I got my husband as a gift because one of the buttons fell off. Think bean bag chair beads only smaller. The static electricity makes them stick to everything! While I had the vacuum out I decided to do a quick clean up of a few dust bunnies that are never lacking around here. During that I found dog vomit behind a crate AND a leak in our roof. Time for an impromptu cleaning session of the floor and the dog bedding that got wet. (We are on about week 3 of rain here and it is super annoying! It is almost July for pete sake! )
Oh it doesn't end there. After taking the crew out for their after supper potty break Jenny had an extra gift for me she left in the hallway, on the rug, that I stepped in with my fuzzy slippers. I didn't see it immediately of course and therefore tracked it down said hallway rug. This after just saying LAST NIGHT that it had been ages since we had any surprises from our dear Jenny. I must have draw attention of the dog poop gods. Thankfully I did have some Natures Miracle on hand. (To be fair to Jenny it was very loose and in a trail as opposed to a leave it here present pile. I think she tried to head for the door and failed. )
The movie I was going to go see with my dad is only being shown at 3:30 and 9:15pm, neither times that worked for us today.
I have a client scheduled tomorrow and I can't get my printer to work for the handout I need of their b-mod plan. With my penmanship handwritten is not an option. (you gotta know your limits)
I'd add a photo but I'm afraid my computer will blow up from the effort. I already hit a wrong button and spent 5 minutes trying to fix the screen. No kidding, WHILE I was typing this post! Something just ain't right.
I'm sure part of it is being mentally tired. Between work and training clients I haven't had any real time off in weeks. Spring is always a busy time of year for training. It is a good problem to have though and I am certainly not complaining. Thankfully today was not a client day.
So say a prayer, do a chant, or burn some incense, I will take whatever you want to send me for good vibes. If it gets worse than this I may need to consider shutting myself in a closet to keep myself safe. With an umbrella, because my roof leaks.

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