Sunday, December 6, 2009


At last we have snow here in Maine. I can't quite remember ever having to wait this long for it to show up in the past.
Snow is one of Jack's favorite things. And he sure looks pretty in it.
Missy on the other hand isn't nearly as impressed. She was annoyed that a spot needed to be shoveled for her before I took her out this morning.

I have started using doggy diapers on Moo due to her condition. Her pee schedule has become super erratic within the last few days and trying to out wait her stopped working. She would walk in circles for half an hour and then sit as if she forgot what we were doing. I only put one on her when an outside potty time hasn't been productive. It isn't a perfect solution but nothing really is at this point. It's all management. Because she is an odd shape the size diapers I bought fall off her if she walks to much in them. I need to go buy a toddler onsie to add to see if that helps keep it in place. She's had a few falling episodes lately but seems to be feeling ok. It is interesting that she doesn't panic when they happen. She has her good days and off days. I'm just grateful that the good days still outweigh the off ones at this point.

(for anyone else using doggy diapers make sure you remove a wet one as soon as possible and then wipe clean and dry their potty area to prevent infection and irritation)

1 comment:

  1. Look at Jack in the snow! He definitely looks at home in it! :] So handsome.

    Missy looks so cute but so unimpressed. I love her facial expressions in all your pics.
