Saturday, July 24, 2010

Breed Matters?

Check out my blog post over at one of my all time favorite sites Dog Star Daily: Breed matters? Besides the fabulous blog they have FREE training advice. Go, sit, surf!

And if you missed it I've updated my blog roll. I try to clean it up on occasion by deleting those that don't keep up with their posts and adding new stuff I find interesting. Check out new additions Gooddogz Training, (who used to be A Dog's Life but that blog is broken) The Daily Puglet (a site that makes me lust for a new camera) and Pawcurious. Wow this blog makes mine look like I use paper and a pencil! (Hat tip to Dr. K of Dolittler who is now Fully Vetted for that addition.) I also changed some blog names that were long overdue. Underdogged is now Save the pitbull, Save the world as it was originally titled. There may be more but that's all I can remember for now.
The cutie in the photo above is Biscuit, a former stray that is available for adoption at my local shelter. I don't have details but I saw Biscuit at a public event today and he (she?) was fabulous and sweet. Just saying.

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