I've thought about doing one on Jenny because it's possible she might be a mix somewhere down the line. She sorta looks like a smooth brussels griffin cross to me at times. Not that it matters but it might explain her fabulous nose. Who knows, maybe she's a puggle! Ha ha! So who wants to guess what the Wisdom panel found out about this cutie pie?
(Edited 5/27/11 : The answer is in the comments section.)
Hmmmm ... I would guess pointer at first? But you mentioned color changing from puppy to adult, so ... dalmation, maybe?
I think pointer/cattle dog cross. The ticking looks more pointerish. Although Dalmatians are thought to be in the background of the ACD breed & pointers are definately in the background of Dalmatians....
I see pointer/cattle dog.
He looks a lot like a dog I fostered that was an ACD mix. My boyo was mixed with pitbull and rat terrier on top of the ACD.
OK drum roll please....................................................................................................................................... The results are: 25% cattle dog 25% old english sheepdog 25% mixed breed (I assume because they don't have all breeds on file.) and 25% shar-pei!! Bet you didn't see that one coming!!
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