Sunday, June 5, 2011

Front yard agility

OK so I admit I don't know that much about agility. I know what it is but have never pursued it aside from having a few obstacles to play with a little. I have practiced the jump with Jenny before because it is in the higher levels of Rally. I toy with the idea of taking a class with Jenny just for fun but that would require having enough free time. Since today was a beautiful sunny and cool day I got all the equipment out and set it up in a kind of mini course. (Alright I admit seeing a super awesome video of a pug at the world games sparked the urge.) The cones are for for heeling practice. I have a tunnel (a former barrel with the bottom cut off) and the blue thing in the background is usually a ladder footing obstacle. It occurred to me to try setting it on it's side and use it as a makeshift weave pole obstacle for Jenny. It works pretty well!

I use Missy's old ramp as a dog walk set up against the picnic table. On the other end is an upturned bucket with a rug as a step down. I need to paint it and add some more grip tape or sandy paint.
This is an upturned bin with some "no slip" cloth on it as a raised table. Clearly this will only work with a small dog.

Jack preferred to play with his toys than try any of the obstacles. I did get him to do the jump but only once. It just isn't his thing. (And we are fine with that.)

You can make up a course with things you have handy around the house and yard if you are motivated to try it. It doesn't have to look fancy. Just be sure anything your dog will get up on is sturdy for safety and keep the jumps low in the beginning of training. And if you don't have anything to jump, if they are willing, you can always use your other dog!

Happy Training!!

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