I do not usually dress my dogs up, but sometimes you just go with it. There was a pooch parade hosted by my favorite local dog store the Loyal Biscuit for the start of the towns Solstice Celebration. The Loyal B also had some special guests come by and set up booths with free product to try in front of the store. Represented were
Planet Dog,
Smart Pup,
TriPom Chews and
Zelda's Biscuit Bakery. Their people were also the judges for the parade pooches. Catagories included biggest dog, smallest dog, most original costume, cutest dog, and such. The weather was sunny but cool enough that I decided to take both dogs. (The parade route is also amost completely shaded.) I dressed Jenny up as rapper diva "Miss J" who hits include "Scratch my butt it itches" and "Give me a treat you B****!" Jack went as her security. I was the paparazzi.
Here Jack was checking out McGruff the crime dogs credentials. (McGruff was
very dog savey and did proper introductions with the dogs there. I dare say not many had seen the likes of him before!)

And this is
Prudence as a hula girl. Complete with bikini top, grass skirt and lei. She won for best costume. Her second year in a row as winner for that catagory!

They did great with the crowds. I think I said "He's a longcoated akita" a bajillion times though. That and "He weighs 115lbs. He looks bigger cuz he's fluffy". Going out with Jack is like hanging out with a rock star. One girl even asked to have her photo taken with him! Luckily he loves the attention. I did put him in his gentle leader though because I always worry about what people will do in crowded situations. So many people think because he is cute they should get right in his face. This is rude behavior in dog language so I perfer to have control over his mouth in case anything happens to keep everyone safe. He's never been snarky about it in the past but why take any chances?

Jenny's top was made from a purse I got at TJMaxx. I'm not sure she was all that impressed with my mad skills. She also stole a TriPom chew
from the lady's hand! as she was passing it to Jack. Thief!! Then she sat in front of the booth hoping to get more.
Jack won a gift bag for being the biggest dog. It contained lots of our favorite goodies. We were very excited! It was a great time and maybe we'll do it again next year. I think I already have a costume idea.
If you want to see more photos they are posted on my
facebook page and the
Loyal Biscuit facebook page as well under the Solstice Pooch Parade albums. (Photo credit for the photos with me included to Holly Sherburne. And of "Miss J's top" to Ashley Bickford.)
That was quite the event. I'm pretty sure I've never seen a dog bring in as much of a crowd as Jack did. And Prudence thanks you for the shout-out :)
This is Autumn from TriPom Chews...today we were showing pictures of your beautiful Akita to my sister-in-law who owns a grooming studio in Yarmouth. She just couldn't get over how beautiful he was, and when we told him how wonderful he was, she said "Knowing how Akita's CAN be, he is either a result of great breeding or amazing training, or both!" Now that I see who you are, it all makes sense! :) Loved both of your pups, and didn't mind your pug stealing the TriPom Chews! :)
Ashley, No problem. :-)
Autumn, Awww thanks! I definately think he is a product of both. Most people are either to lax with akitas or to rough. Neither is a good idea. And if you start with a poorly bred dog you can only go so far to change their temperment. That said sometimes I think Jack will be my last akita. I'm not sure I could top him since I think he is perfect. :-)
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