So I've been thinking about changing my logo. I don't have my current logo on my site now, I use it on my vehicle instead. It is a silhouette of a standing akita I drew a long time ago. I was thinking about changing it because I found a design I love that includes all dogs. It would also be nice to brand myself more to make advertising easier. Having the same logo on my cards and car makes sense. My current cards have a photo of a bulldog on them.
Some of you might remember the post about my tattoo. The drawing of it is shown above. I found the pawprint originally on another blog called Finnegan's Pawprint and tweaked it for the tattoo. The person that created it has this website:
I've tried to contact her repeatedly for permission to possibly use the pawprint as my business logo. I have had no luck. So this is a public appeal to see if it helps at all. (Cari Buziak if you're out there please e-mail me! ) I'm not sure what the rules are governing such things. I don't want to use it without permission but if I get no respose to my requests where does that leave me?
I thought the pawprint might translate well onto t-shirts and the like. I've never put much into advertising before because I haven't really needed to given my area. I just really like this symbol and would love to put it to use. It's getting near time to order more business cards.
So I am putting this out there in hopes it helps. I'm not sure of the legalities of using it without permission, but I figure a public appeal will help should there be a problem down the road. I could be wrong but since I am small potatos (no tv deals in the works just yet VBG) I figure it isn't likely to ever be a real issue.

What do you think? Yea or nay? (You can also vote on my K-9 Solutions facebook page. Go to my profile photos and vote for version # 1 or #2. )
I think it is not cool to use the artwork without permission. She is obviously using it as a logo for her own page, and it is a unique design which is clearly her own work, not some generic or unattributed stock image.
I do hope she gets back to you, and you can work something out to both of your satisfactions, but if she doesn't, I think you really need to find something else.
Do the right thing :) Don't contribute to the web's bad reputation.
Finnegans Pawprint blog is using it in her header with permission. The website it orginally came from says you can pay for permission yet she hasn't answered my attempts to contact for the same permission. The woman who created is is not using it as her logo.
I am hoping this helps get her attention.
Hi Marie, I've responded to you many many times. Sent notes to follow up on the notes you don't respond to. There's nothing I can do if your spam filter is filtering out my emails to you, so we'll see if you get this instead?
In answer to your questions... yes using any design by made another does fall under copyright rules. And if you can't find the copyright holder or contact them, then "where does that leave you"... it leaves you without a design to use. ;-) lol Just because you can't find a copyright holder in regards to using their work (or be able to get a hold of them) means that you have not received permission to use the design, so can't use it. I know your circumstances are more unique than that, but just for others reading the post I wanted to mention because other people might want to know too! The key thing in using something that is copyright protected is to receive the permission, not to prove you tried to receive it, if that makes sense. :-) Any almost everything on the internet is copyright protected, unless there is a remark *from the copyright owner* stating they have relenquished the copyright to the design (there is paperwork they have to file with the copyright office to do this). If they have been dead for 50-70yrs (depending on the country they're in) then the design may also be copyright free, unless their estate has been sold in which the copyright would be owned by the new owner. So as you can see... much of what is used or distributed on the internet is used/distrbiuted by others pretty loosely by copyright laws, which is how many people get into trouble. Anyway, just a little bit of copyright stuff for those who find it helpful. :-)
So back to us... you've been trying to send messages, which I've been receiving, and myslf and Emily have been sending additional notes trying to follow up to see if you've had questions, however have gotten no response from you... I assume they're being eaten by your spam filter along the way so you may want to check that?
The cost to use the design in a logo is $75 US for color and black & white, or $50 US for black and white only (which you're free to color yourself if you like). I can also add text (and I would throw in the flowers in your case too) for an additional $25 US. :-) If you have any questions you know where to find me! I do receive your messages. And in the meantime you may want to try searching your spam folder or adding the email address to your "white list" of "always allow" emails, if your emailer has such a feature. :-)
Hope this helps! Sorry for the time lag, but together we'll defeat technology yet! lol
Hi Marie, I've responded to you many many times. Sent notes to follow up on the notes you don't respond to. There's nothing I can do if your spam filter is filtering out my emails to you, so we'll see if you get this instead?
In answer to your questions... yes using any design by made another does fall under copyright rules. And if you can't find the copyright holder or contact them, then "where does that leave you"... it leaves you without a design to use. ;-) lol Just because you can't find a copyright holder in regards to using their work (or be able to get a hold of them) means that you have not received permission to use the design, so can't use it. The key thing in using something that is copyright protected is to receive the permission, not to prove you tried to receive it. :-)
The cost to use the design in a logo is $75 US for color and black & white, or $50 US for black and white only (which you're free to color yourself if you like). I can also add text (and I would throw in the flowers in your case too) for an additional $25 US. :-) And in the meantime you may want to try searching your spam folder or adding the email address to your "white list" of "always allow" emails, if your emailer has such a feature. :-)
Hope this helps! Sorry for the time lag, but together we'll defeat technology yet! lol
"So I am putting this out there in hopes it helps. I'm not sure of the legalities of using it without permission, but I figure a public appeal will help should there be a problem down the road. I could be wrong but since I am small potatos (no tv deals in the works just yet VBG) I figure it isn't likely to ever be a real issue."
As clarification for others... this will actually NOT help you. ;-) If ignorance won't help you (using a design that someone else incorrectly posted as copyright free), then for sure KNOWING it belongs to someone else will not get you off! lol EVERYTHING new created by someone is copyright protected. So if you didn't make it, you don't have rights to do anything with it. Therefore you may not use it without permission. Doesn't matter if you give credit, thank them, tried to get a hold of them... it's the permission you need. Otherwise it's copyright infringement. ;-) What if I was an 80yr old lady living on a farm who didn't like to do much emailing, or my publisher produced an item and under our contract didn't have to include a copyright notice? You wouldn't be able to get a hold of me then either but still wouldn't make it right to use the design. ;-)
Cari :-)
Yay! See this posting DID work!! Cari thank you! I will check my e-mail and try that.
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