She is real and she is at our local shelter. I swear I couldn't make this up if I tried. A sweet, smallish, mostly brindle with some white markings pittie type. She looks and acts just like the girl in my dream. I have to admit it freaked me out seeing her there in the flesh. Her head has an interesting shape though that makes me think she has some bull terrier in her, right around her eyes. She ignored all the cats we tested her with and loves to be touched. Very submissive but loves to jump up high. (a great agility prospect for someone) Horrible on a leash, (strong!) but responds to attention well. Her name is Angelica. (unsure if she has been tested with other dogs yet) Could definitely use some training.
What I would love to do next, since my adopting her is out of the question, (I have spacial issues) is to put her in our prison program. Unfortunately they do not allow us to send pitbulls there. I have the wardens ok, but some of the other guards are resistant. Because of that we decided not to send any until people are more comfortable with the idea. The last thing we need is for someone to do something to a dog and jeopardize the whole program because they are ignorantly prejudiced. One person in particular threw quite a fit when he thought we were bringing those "vicious dogs" in to the facility. He found a bunch of myths off the Internet to prove his position. Yeah I know. I took a copy of "The Pitbull Placebo" by Karen Delise over to them in hopes he will open his mind enough to let us accept them on the program. He did see some video of a pit I was allowed to bring over to play with another dog we had there. He wasn't working that day and I was allowed to bring her because I was supervising/handling her and not leaving her there. (I figure every little bit helps!) He did admit that she seemed like a great dog. So maybe there is hope for him yet.
We will be starting a new dog soon. Please feel free to send good thoughts our way in hopes we will be allowed to train pitbulls there someday too.
Check out Zena and Zora. They are also available for adoption on

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