Left to right is Penny, and Bridgette, both former shelter cats and Shimo and Kuma, my first 2 akitas. I think Shimo was about 7 months old in the photo but I can't say for certain. That means Kuma was either 6 or 7. I wish I had written down the date on the back of the pics. It was 1998ish I think, just after I got done working at the vets office and just before I started my dog trainers apprenticeship. We took a bunch of pics but this is one of my favorites. I have some episodes of the show on tape around here somewhere. (VCR format of course)
The show ended when the national cable company boosted their rates for the local channels. So my channels owners decided to retire instead of merging with the other local cable channel. Understandable. They have just recently started a new show on the remaining local channel under the same name that both local shelters are hosting for pets in need of new homes. It is kind of neat it has been brought back and is still being used to help animals by promoting adoptions.
I just thought I would share a tidbit from the vault. It is kind of fun to recall the past when you stumble across old photos you forgot you had. Boy how time flies.
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