I found this gem accidently last night at my local library. Now I never used to be "into" dog tricks. I was all about manners or straight obedience. I have since learned that there is HUGE value in teaching tricks because you always start with a foundation level. For instance, you can't teach roll over until the dog knows down. Then by building on that you can have all sorts of fun with your dog as you train. I think it is also a way to hone skills and make you a better trainer because sometimes you need to think outside the box to get a dog to understand what you are asking of them. It can also really help in building the bond with your dog at any age. Many training issues can be a lack of clear communcation between dog and owner.
This book is one of the clearest and most precise books on the topic I have ever seen yet. Lots of amazing photos and easy to understand directions. If you can think of a trick to try with your dog, it is in this book. Written by Kyra Sundance and Chalcy, of "Showdog Moms and Dads" fame. (Bravo TV) FMI on the book check out the website at
http://101dogtricks.comI'm thinking the prison program should have a copy of this book. Teaching tricks to a shelter dog is a great attention getter. It also shows people how smart and able to learn dogs really are!
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