Today Jenny did her first 5K today. We walked it since I am not, nor ever will be, a runner. Here we are with our friends Prudence, who has
her own blog, and Leo shown in the cute shirt.

We brought up the rear with a respectable 58 minutes. Leo even won a prize!

From there I stopped by the office where Jenny got in a quick play date with the bosses dog Poppy. Believe it or not she is full grown. Isn't she cute?

Then I went to Pet Quarters where they were having a fund raising event for the Humane Society of Knox County. Check out Jasper, a super sweet dog who lost his home due to allergies on the part of a child in the home. He has lived with kids and other pets. He is very social and has great leash manners. Talk about a steal! He is available for adoption at

Then I had to go to the prison for the
K-9 Corrections program. Jenny came along so the handlers could get some practice on the nuances of hand signals. If they don't do them correctly with her she won't do the exercise. (she will work for anyone if she knows it can earn her a treat)

So it was a pretty busy day for Miss Jenny. She did such a great job I picked up a new treat to put in her Leo Kong Genius toy to try. She loved it. (When feeding fish, beware of
this possible issue.)
One of the best things about today was that Pet Quarters and another local dog store, the
Loyal Biscuit, were working together at the event. It is rare for competitors to get along that well. It was nice to see. I also loved that this PQ refused to carry bunnies for Easter sales. Another thing that is rare, sticking to principles over the urge to make an easy buck. Way to go PQ!
I hate to end this post on a low note but I have to pass on this warning of a company that
lacks those kind of ethics. Check out this post by Frog Dog about the
ProMeris tick and flea medication recall. Boo hiss to Pfizer!! Please pass the info on to anyone who may be using this product. Thank you!
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