According to this website, the akita movie I was gearing up may be going straight to DVD instead: I had spoken to my local movie theater manager and he said it was listed as a limited release. I see the DVD release date is March so maybe they will still show it in some theaters first. It looks like those flyers may need to go to the movie rental store as my plan B if it doesn't come here to the boonies.

Kinda wishing they would do a special edition, the original Japanese version (was black and white and subtitled in English) along with the new Americanized version. It would make a great two pack set. I would be even more excited if they let Akita Rescue do an educational blip at the beginning or end of the movie.
Hey I can dream can't I??
I can't even believe that you are still advocating harrassing people who go to movie rental places.
I guess these businesses should be forwarned.
We have the original Japanese movie in our DVD collection and will be adding this one when it comes out.
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